
Rey Swimwear

Warning: swimsuits just got classy.


No, really. Check it out: Rey Swimwear

But they're all sold out.


Nikita aka Maggie Q.

This show. Well. I am waiting for season four. After watching the first season on one of my favorite networks, CW, I checked out the movie - it's in French and really cool. I don't have much to say except that the whole cast is perfect. That's all.

Well, that was kind of a waste of a post.

BTVS !!!

I've been ignoring this blog and I just created it. Oh well. It's summer. I GOT this.

Anyways, on to BTVS. If you don't know what/who it is . . . well, it's a seven season series revolving around Buffy Summers (the slayer!), her crew, and killing evil creatures, namely vampires. It sounds ridiculous. And I thought it would be, trust me. But then Angel happened, and well, I won't say any more in case you haven't seen it, but let's just say that Buffy likes him. A lot.

They're the original vampire/human power couple, and the show is really, really well made. Angel even has his own series, but I'll wait until I've seen more of Buffy's show. Both are entirely on Netflix, and there are at least 10 seasons worth of episodes between the two. I am seriously excited to watch more! Even though the show was created in '97 . . . But it's good. Grab a tub of cookie dough ice cream and some popcorn and watch it!!