
Finals = Stress.

Giant make-or-break your grade finals are just around the corner. So I'm freaking out. Just a bit. And I'm procrastinating studying. Which will stop... after this post. And dinner. And pie. And this video...
Aren't they talented? I feel like they're probably drama/theatre majors.

Oh, and look at this cute picture!

....Still not calm. But it's funny, right?


I need to study. Oh, ya: food first.

"Because Cats" Merch!!

I don't make this stuff, but I LOVE it. This artist has taken social media by storm. So jump on the bandwagon, because cats. Click here look at or buy some of this cool stuff.
On another note, it is super cool. I love cats and this stuff expresses my devotion to this furry, sassy creature. Did I mention sassy?

Urban Outfitters Love Cats

I went to Urban's blog today and found cats. Not just any cats, however. Cat gifs. With food...
Personally, I think it's hilarious and adorable.

 P.S. This is the link to their cats via the blog & this is the link to the blog itself

First Post. Ever. (On this blog.)

So, basically, I used to blog. A lot. But it was never really about stuff I cared about. This time, I'm just going to share things I care about, including my gluten-free lifestyle (it's because of my health, okay!), my insane amount of stress, my hobbies, life in general, and yes,
Cats, cats, cats.

Okay, maybe not so much cats. But still.
And why am I doing this, you ask? Why on Earth would anyone think they are important enough to go around thinking people want to hear their life?

P.S. This blog is mostly going to feature funny things and fashion things. And food things.